Advocate for Educational Personnel
Democratic principles
Dental Insurance
Economic needs
Economic well-being
Join Now
Leading Voice of Retired Teachers
Professional background
Quality Benefits
REAM (Retired Educators Association of Massachusetts)
REAM Benefits
REAM Collective advocacy
REAM Community
REAM Dental and Vision Plans
REAM Members
REAM partners with Association Member Benefits (AMBA)
Retire Smarter
Retired educational personnel
Retired Educational Personnel Supplemental benefits
Retired Teachers of Massachusetts (REAM)
Retirement Planning Seminars
Social needs
Social well-being
Supplemental Insurance
Vision Insurance Image

Who is REAM?

The Retired Educators Association of Massachusetts is an organization committed to serving the needs and interests of its members based on democratic principles. We encourage the use of our members’ collective power to promote their economic and social well being while utilizing their professional background and collegiality to develop a sense of community. As an organization devoted specifically to retired educational personnel, the Retired Educators Association of Massachusetts stands as their advocate and is committed to taking any necessary action to promote and protect the interest of its members.

The Retired Educators Association of Massachusetts is committed to serving the economic and social needs and interests of its membership through collective advocacy, offering supplemental benefits and providing networking opportunities.

We've Got You Covered.


If you're in need of supplemental insurance like Dental and Vision Plans, you've come to the right place! REAM partners with AMBA to provide high quality benefits to members.

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